
Time Series with Zillow’s Luminaire — Part I Data Exploration

Time Series with Zillow’s Luminaire — Part I Data Exploration I sit at my local beach at midnight, enjoying the big moon casting sparkling lights on the ocean. The wavy moonlight path looks to me like a time series path, not always smooth but traceable. It shows me tranquility and serendipity. I wrote a few articles on time series forecasting and anomaly detection. The Luminaire by the Zillow Tech Hub is the next one that I want to write an in-depth introduction. Are you doing time series forecasting and outlier detection now or in the near future? After reading this article, you will be running your time series model comfortably with Luminaire. Definitely read this article and the following series: Anomaly Detection for Time Series , Business Forecasting with Facebook’s “Prophet” , “ A Technical Guide on RNN/LSTM/GRU for Stock Price Prediction ”, and “ Kalman Filter Explained! ”. Change Points Are Challenging in a Univariate Time Series You typically deal with a daily, mont

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How and why to Standardize your data: A python tutorial

  How and why to Standardize your data: A python tutorial In this post I explain why and how to apply Standardization using scikit-learn in Python Serafeim Loukas May 26, 2020 · 4 min read Figure taken from: . Left subplot: the unscaled data. Right subplot: the transformed data. Hi there. This is my first Medium post. I am an electrical & computer engineer currently finishing my PhD studies in the biomedical engineering and computational neuroscience field. I have been working on machine learning problems for the past 4 years. A very common question that I see all around the web is how to standardize and why to do so, the data before fitting a machine learning model. How does scikit-learn’s StandardScaler work ? The first question that comes to one’s mind is: Why to standardize in the first place? Why to standardize before fitting a ML model? Well, the idea is simp l e . Variables that are mea